Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not Your Chemistry Teachers Neckties

I had a chemistry teacher in high school who would always wear these old-school, squared off cotton ties. Somehow though, they never ended up looking as cool as the ones coming out of The Hill-Side Neckties, based in New York City. Led by the Corsillo brothers, the label has found elegant ways to use neckties, handkerchiefs, bandanas, + pocket squares to put an extra sense of blue-collar, sexy, creativity into any wardrobe. With the use of chino, cotton, selvedge chambray, rugged denim, + waxed canvas these accessories add an original sense of personality that can be just as attractive on men as they are on women. With a variety of textures, patterns, + combinations, these work-ethic inspired pieces can bring as much style to a town-hall gathering in Wichita as they do to a board meeting in upper Manhattan …. or even a high school chemistry classroom in a suburb outside of LA.-PJax

1 comment:

  1. This post reminds me of the red, square-ended tie I used to wear all the time growning up.
    Those ties are great to travel with too; no wrinkles.
